Brave the challenge of the void.

BULK is a freight, combat, and industrial community dedicated to mutual-prosperity and building personal skill to thrive in digital realms.


Bulkers’ Motivation

We believe digital ownership will fundamentally change human socio-economic relationships globally. This new paradigm is spearheaded by gaming.

BULK views personal skill and sound economic design as critical for success in tokenized gaming, and are building in a leading web3 realm named Star Atlas. Star Atlas is a space themed massively-multiplayer game focused on digital ownership and founded on rigorous economics systems. In this universe, by bringing gamers and guilds together — we have the opportunity to empower people across the globe.

BULK is about economic opportunity.
BULK is about workforce development.
BULK is about professional networking, in a new plane of human existence. And we will build it together, as a diverse multi-guild community.

The future is in our hands,
and we hear the call of
undiscovered stars.

DUAL Membership

Recognizing the increasingly complex nature of our socio-economic lives, BULK supports members of allied communities to become Bulkers as well.

This is designed to bring people in allied guilds together — to train, build personal and collective skill at the art of freight and militarized logistics in Star Atlas.

Each individual, be they Bulkers or other members of Bulkers’ home guilds, can benefit in myriad ways from the increased social bonds and fleet operations efficiency Bulkers provide through their day-to-day actions. We're exploring multiple approaches to realizing dual membership and governance participation onchain.